Your Practice. YOUR Flow.

Your Practice. YOUR Flow.

About The Authentic Private Practice

At The Authentic Private Practice, LLC, we offer consulting services to therapists who have recently started their private practices or are looking to start a practice.

We’re here to inspire you to create a practice that feels great based on YOUR personality, YOUR values, and YOUR spirit. 

We believe that in order to build that dream practice, you must acknowledge and respect your authenticity, your truth and realness. You must stand in your power. Lastly, you have to create your freedom.

Our mission is to support therapists by guiding them to create a profitable private practice that reflects the essence of who they are.

Meet  the Founder, Shawntal

The surprise that started it all…

In 2010, I was working at a local hospital with excellent job security (or so I thought). I also had a disordered, barely legit private practice as a side hustle. Unexpectedly I was called into a meeting and got a surprise “pink slip” due to budget cuts. So much for job security, right?

That moment changed everything. I told myself that I would never be laid off again and decided to move into private practice full time.

Challenges mount…

During this season of my practice, I saw all of the clients that anyone referred to me. I rarely said no. I received referrals from inpatient units and psychiatrists and Child Protective Services. As you can imagine, these were complex, heavy, and required a great deal of attention. I had no idea at the time how important boundaries were. In my mind, I had to accept everyone—my business and my family depended on it. I was approaching burnout and didn’t even know. Years later, I realized I had a scarcity mindset. I was operating out of fear of failure.

Then a shift in perspective, leading to massive growth…

The burnout eventually led to change. I began shifting my focus. I realized that I was operating my business as a therapist instead of a CEO. I started identifying the things that were important to me, paying attention to the clients that it felt good to see—the ones who energized me when I saw their names on my calendar. Then I initiated more connections with those referral sources and learned to say no to those that were not as fulfilling. As I got better at these habits, I started to see more growth. Three years into full-time private practice, I began hiring other therapists and I moved into a larger space. Can you say big ole pivot?!

My husband (also a therapist) joined me in the practice, then we continued to build the practice, including adding wellness services, then by late 2019 we were rolling. It felt amazing!


Despite the pandemic, the weight of all the turmoil in the world on us, even having to pause some of our services…we are still here, thriving as a practice, supporting our community and creating space to care for ourselves.

I’m still here, CEO of a private practice that feels good, parenting 3 teen boys, and honoring my marriage of 20 years.

And now, born out of these experiences, I’m honored to have started The Authentic Private Practice so I could help fellow clinicians like you create a profitable and authentic practice of your dreams that completely aligns with who you are and the life you want to live.


Boy Mom (3 actually)

Fan Girl for Anita Baker

Dedicated Scrapbooker

Over 20 years of experience


We coach ambitious female therapists to create profitable private practices that reflect the essence of who they are. 

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